
Showing posts from March 17, 2019

Do I need to consider instance restrictions when showing a language is in P?Decision problem and algorithmShowing a language is in co-NPCDo Turing machines assume something infinite at some point?Is deciding whether the language of a TM contains all strings of length 4 computable?Proving that a language is not RecursiveUndecidable vs Unsolvable?In which direction should I carry out a reduction when proving decidability/recognizability?The defining property of problems in NPIs there a polynomial time algorithm to determine whether an 'up down' language is 'emptible'?Define the following problem as a language and prove that it is undecidable with a reduction from the halting problem.

What is the significance behind "40 days" that often appears in the Bible? What are substitutions for coconut in curry? Violin - Can double stops be played when the strings are not next to each other? What does "Four-F." mean? Do native speakers use "ultima" and "proxima" frequently in spoken English? Can other pieces capture a threatening piece and prevent a checkmate? Using Past-Perfect interchangeably with the Past Continuous How to generate binary array whose elements with values 1 are randomly drawn Why is indicated airspeed rather than ground speed used during the takeoff roll? Word for flower that blooms and wilts in one day Light propagating through a sound wave PTIJ: Do Irish Jews have "the luck of the Irish"? How to terminate ping <dest> & How does 取材で訪れた integrate into this sentence? Should I use acronyms in dialogues before telling the readers what it stands for in fiction? 두음...