
Showing posts from March 20, 2019

Holocaustbenektelse InnholdTerminologi og etymologi Forsøk på hemmeligholdelse av gjerningsmennene Eksempler på påstander Historie etter verdenskrigenNyere utviklinger og trenderLover mot holocaust-benektelse Se også ReferanserEksterne lenkerNavigasjonsmeny«Holocaust denial - The IHR's Questions & Answers, and Nizkor's Responses»«Holocaust Denial, a Definition»originalen«How many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust? How do we know? Do we have their names?»«Introduction: Denial as Anti-Semitism»ArkivertBartov, OmerArkivert«Why 'Revisionism' Isn't»Arkivert«Holocaust Denial, a Definition»Arkivert«Holocaust Denial and Distortion»«The nature of Holocaust denial: What is Holocaust denial?»ArkivertAntisemitism and Racism Country Reports: United StatesArkivert«Holocaust-benektelse på norsk»The Future of a Negation: Reflections on the Question of GenocideChapter One – Negationism in GeneralArkivert«Operation Reinhard: Extermination Camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka»«The nature of Holocaust denial: What is Holocaust denial?»Arkivert«Response to Holocaust denial on the existence of Gas Chambers and Crematoria»«Willis Carto»«Willis A. Carto: Fabricating History»Arkivert«Holocaust a myth, says Iranian president»«We Are Determined: Spiegel interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad»«Iranian Leader Opens Up. Ahmadinejad Speaks Candidly With Mike Wallace About Israel, Nukes, Bush»Harry Elmer Barnes: «Zionist Fraud»Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambersArkivert«Message from President Bienen, Northwestern University»originalen«Students, faculty oppose Butz with petitions»«Willis A. Carto: Fabricating History»ArkivertAntisemitism and Xenophobia Today: United States of AmericaArkivert«Poisoning the Web – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust»«Bradley Smith and the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust: The New College Try»«The 1999–2000 Bradley Smith Campus Newspaper Campaign»«Harvard Crimson says Holocaust denial ad published by accident»«Bradley Smith, Holocaust Denial, Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust – Extremism in America»Judgements of the Supreme Court of Canada. Her Majesty the Queen vs James KeegstraArkivertThe Keegstra case: Freedom of speech and the prosecution of harmful ideasArkivertTekstArkivert«Leuchter, Rudolf, and the Iron Blues»Arkivert«German court sentences Ernst Zundel to 5 years in prison for Holocaust denial»Arkivert«The Psychological Satisfaction of Denials of the Holocaust or Other Genocides by Non-Extremists or Bigots, and Even by Known Scholars»«Denial of the Holocaust and Immoral Equivalence An Interview with Deborah Lipstadt»"«The Mayer Gambit»«The Nizkor Project»O.B.C Biography – Kenneth McVay«Holocaust denier to be released»«Holocaust Denier is Jailed»«Holocaust denier: 'No need to show remorse'»«The Greatest Taboo of Postwar World History: There Were No Nazi 'Gas Chambers'»«The IHR Denounces Campaign Against Japanese Publishing Company»«Sex, flies and videotape: the secret lives of Harun Yahya»«Harun Yahya and Holocaust Revisionism»AXT 1996 report on antisemitism in TurkeyArkivertThe Holocaust DeceptionArkivertAXT 1998 report on antisemitism in TurkeyArkivert«American Jewish organization sees emergence of 'Holocaust denial' in Turkey»originalenArkivert«Belgium's far right party in Holocaust controversy»«Court rules Vlaams Blok is racist»«Anti-Semitism in Europe»«Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Study (PDF)»«Death camp survivor fears Holocaust deniers are winning»«One in 20 Britons does not believe Holocaust took place, poll finds»Genocide Prevention Now«Romania holds first Holocaust Day»«Romania sparks Holocaust row»originalenLuxembourg, 19. april 2007, 8665/07 (Pressemelding 84) Article (på ungarsk)Aftenposten: Tausheten i diktaturetGNDBNFBNF (data)

Holocaust-benektelse folkemordjøderden andre verdenskrigholocaustdet nasjonalsosialistiske Tysklandsden andre verdenskrig«endelig løsning»konsentrasjonsleirergasskamrejøderhistorisk revisjonismehistorisk metodelæreHolocaustsvindelantisemittiskkonspirasjonsteoripseudohistoriefascistiskenynazistiskeNorgehøyreekstremenasjonalistiskeVigridDuke UniversitysHenry RoussoKoenraad ElstHeinrich HimmlermassemordlatviskeFriedrich JeckelnRumbulaRiga19411943BelzecTreblinkatilintetgjørelsesleirerPosentalene1943Heinrich Himmlerrasjonell forespørselaksemakteneMichael ShermerAlex GrobmanPierre Vidal-NaquetWillis CartohøyresidenantisemittiskekonspirasjonsteorierFrancis Parker YockeysDavid HoggansInstitute for Historical Reviewhistorisk revisjonismeSamuel Edward Konkin IIIDavid IrvingNicholas KollerstromPaul RassinierRobert FaurissonArthur R. ButzDavid ColeFred A. Leuchter jr.Mark WeberErnst ZündelCanadamuslimskeiranskeMahmoud AhmadinejadNorman Finkelst...