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Exposing a company lying about themselves in a tightly knit industry: Is my career at risk on the long run?

Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?Should I tell my colleague he might get fired?Should I fight a new manager or resign?How should I try for a change of career within the same company?Is it reasonable to complain about the 'junior' label after entering the company with 4 years of experience?Should I talk with my boss for a promised raise?Can NOT receiving negative feedback hurt me in the long run?Would I be considered a “job-hopper”/unprofessional?Should I tell my current employer about a job I have lined up after my current contract ends?Annual performance review after only two months of employment. How should I prepare myself?Can I tell the “trial” job I'm still interviewing?



My former company is the example of start-ups malpractices. They're also vastly lying about themselves. They put me in a difficult situation in the past and I'd like to avoid other to fall into the same trap. I may use Glassdoor (or other means) to post an anonymous review, but my former employer will most likely link it back to me.

This company being part of a very tight industry, I'd like to know if them badmouthing me (small company, some recruiters doubtful about them) would be potentially dangerous for my career, while I have a flawless record with a big consulting company (but that is not part of that industry)?

At the question "If I do X, would it be dangerous to Y", there is three possible answers: Yes, No, Don't do X. So far I received "Don't do it", which is helpful (and I'll take it into account). I'd be interested in the opinion of someone (preferably HR) working in a small industry, based on experience, for a Yes/No answer.

Short summary of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

  • Lie to you during the interview.

  • High-turnover.

  • Micro-management, toxic behaviour.

  • Ask you to go "above and beyond" without any compensation whatsoever (acknowledgment included).

  • Unpaid overtime (mandatory)

One trickier I encountered are the classical cliches used by start-up: "young, dynamic, on the verge to break through. Challenging environnment. You must be able to put yourself into question". While this is not a 100% indicator, the few start-ups I saw used these arguments to justify a deeply unhealthy company culture.

Long read for the list of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

I graduated a few years ago in Computer Sciences, in order to work in my dream-field: videogames. (Totally unexpected and not cliche).

I spent a few months applying everywhere, due to a lack of experience and a high competition. After about six months of active search, I finally landed a job in a "dynamic and ambitious start-up, now on the verge of breaking through". Interviews went well, company being about 10 people, I directly met the CEO and he seemed like someone very reasonnable.

I moved from my hometown to the capital for this job, with what should have been a undetermined-duration contract, 3 months of trial period renewable once. I was really eager and enthusiast to find a job after all the time I had been looking.

First surprise: Once I get there, the CEO inform me that yes, I was right during the interview, the salary on my employment promise (before tax) was indeed what I had calculated and effectively lower than what they had advertised. (So I get around a hundred less than what I was promised). Plus, I have to withdraw from that the mandatory employer-part for public transportation. (Which isn't a benefit, but something they are required by law to provide). Also, my contract states a 35h/week schedule, but the mandatory hours make it a 37.5h/week. Not paid, not compensated overtime. The offer I accepted was already well below market, especially in that area. The videogame average rate is in addition, well below what I can get with my degree.

By then, I'm already cringing a little. But hey, I'm working what I struggled for for five years, so I can make do until I get experience. Plus, they're soon launching a new secret project, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it, since the size will allow me to have a real impact on the final product.

But the months weeks days go by, and my coworkers slowly inform me that between what I've been advertised and what really is, they're is quite a gap.

Second surprise: The boss directly lied to me. I specifically asked if they had turn-over, to which I was answered "Only a few cases since the company was created a few years ago".1 They, in fact, renewed completely the team over the course of the past six months or so, except the "core" of management.

The work is awful. Of course, under adversity, we, the "grunts", support each other, and all non management team is pretty good to work with. But the process is unbearable, set by a know-it-all, micro-managing, big mouthed CEO that has no experience in code what-so-ever (despite what he pretends). We're, to put it bluntly, working our asses off to pay the "company-related travel" of our boss (and his SO. Which are more like vacations). We silently comply to the mandatory overtime, while everyone agree it is unfair and doesn't get us anything, not even consideration.

Three months of this, and my trial period gets renewed. They do it "for everybody, there is nothing to be worried about".

The only other full-time developer leaves, and while I'm happy for him, I also have the selfish thought that I'm now temporarily un-firable.

Things gets gradually worse, and I raise a number of concerns/propositions to improve our workflow and general product quality. During this time, most of the team is renewed/replaced, mostly by interns. Some of them quit shortly after beginning for breach of their internship agreement (again, unpaid overtime, boss being unsufferable, not what they signed for, all at once).

While I'm still in my trial period, I begin to look for work again, as I think it's a bit too early in my carreer to go for a burn-out.

Other problems happens, and at the fifth and a half month of my six month period, I learn the news: I'm being terminated. The official reason is they're looking for people ready to go above and beyond (read - do more unpaid overtime for a killer salary). I did not find a new job yet. I now live in one of the most expensive city of the country (and the world). And I can't even say I quit of my own volition.

I clench my teeth, nod, and do the notice period to the best of my ability without raising a complaint.

That was a few months ago. I have a new, decent job in consulting that pays me fairly. I have settled, I'm no longer financially endangered. There is nothing my old boss can do to reach me in my current position.

I have a newsletter updating me about what offers are currently available in video-game. More than often, I see offers from my previous company, looking for the same job they took an intern to do a few months ago, and need to fill now that he is gone. I know from internal source that they pulled the same stunt for an undetermined-duration contract, same as me. The offers go on about the numerous benefits the company provides - which were of course, completely fake while I was working there, despite being advertised when I signed up.

The other dev that left posted a review on GlassDoor, explaining the problems and his personnal experience. Recently, the company posted a review too, saying how great they are, how good it was to work with them, etc, etc. They even copy-pasted the list of fake benefits (that are still non-existent in practice).

That tips it. I really want to prevent other from falling into the same trap as me, considering I got lucky and found a job quickly after being fired. Plus, I admit, if I can get back at them for what they did to me, it's a welcome bonus.

The thing is, videogames is an enclosed industry. Everyone knows everyone, and a bad reputation, even unjustified, can be a death sentence. I still hope to get back into it one day, but I fear that giving my opinion, even anonymously, could trigger retaliation. Considering the number of former employees and the methods used by the CEO (collective punishment) and his pettiness, it's more than probable he will badmouth anyone he thinks have or may have spoke against him.

I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?

Edit: Regarding the possible duplicate, my former employer can not retaliate directly. I'm more worried about the impact inside the videogame field, from a HR point of view. So it is not directly Glass-door related, though the link has been helpful.

1: I'm intentionally keeping numbers vague, as not to point too obviously at said company.

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New contributor

Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 11

    Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

    – The Wandering Dev Manager
    10 hours ago

  • 6

    "I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

    – Joe Strazzere
    10 hours ago

  • 10

    I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

    – Mister Positive
    10 hours ago

  • 7

    "I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

    – HorusKol
    8 hours ago

  • 8

    This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago



My former company is the example of start-ups malpractices. They're also vastly lying about themselves. They put me in a difficult situation in the past and I'd like to avoid other to fall into the same trap. I may use Glassdoor (or other means) to post an anonymous review, but my former employer will most likely link it back to me.

This company being part of a very tight industry, I'd like to know if them badmouthing me (small company, some recruiters doubtful about them) would be potentially dangerous for my career, while I have a flawless record with a big consulting company (but that is not part of that industry)?

At the question "If I do X, would it be dangerous to Y", there is three possible answers: Yes, No, Don't do X. So far I received "Don't do it", which is helpful (and I'll take it into account). I'd be interested in the opinion of someone (preferably HR) working in a small industry, based on experience, for a Yes/No answer.

Short summary of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

  • Lie to you during the interview.

  • High-turnover.

  • Micro-management, toxic behaviour.

  • Ask you to go "above and beyond" without any compensation whatsoever (acknowledgment included).

  • Unpaid overtime (mandatory)

One trickier I encountered are the classical cliches used by start-up: "young, dynamic, on the verge to break through. Challenging environnment. You must be able to put yourself into question". While this is not a 100% indicator, the few start-ups I saw used these arguments to justify a deeply unhealthy company culture.

Long read for the list of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

I graduated a few years ago in Computer Sciences, in order to work in my dream-field: videogames. (Totally unexpected and not cliche).

I spent a few months applying everywhere, due to a lack of experience and a high competition. After about six months of active search, I finally landed a job in a "dynamic and ambitious start-up, now on the verge of breaking through". Interviews went well, company being about 10 people, I directly met the CEO and he seemed like someone very reasonnable.

I moved from my hometown to the capital for this job, with what should have been a undetermined-duration contract, 3 months of trial period renewable once. I was really eager and enthusiast to find a job after all the time I had been looking.

First surprise: Once I get there, the CEO inform me that yes, I was right during the interview, the salary on my employment promise (before tax) was indeed what I had calculated and effectively lower than what they had advertised. (So I get around a hundred less than what I was promised). Plus, I have to withdraw from that the mandatory employer-part for public transportation. (Which isn't a benefit, but something they are required by law to provide). Also, my contract states a 35h/week schedule, but the mandatory hours make it a 37.5h/week. Not paid, not compensated overtime. The offer I accepted was already well below market, especially in that area. The videogame average rate is in addition, well below what I can get with my degree.

By then, I'm already cringing a little. But hey, I'm working what I struggled for for five years, so I can make do until I get experience. Plus, they're soon launching a new secret project, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it, since the size will allow me to have a real impact on the final product.

But the months weeks days go by, and my coworkers slowly inform me that between what I've been advertised and what really is, they're is quite a gap.

Second surprise: The boss directly lied to me. I specifically asked if they had turn-over, to which I was answered "Only a few cases since the company was created a few years ago".1 They, in fact, renewed completely the team over the course of the past six months or so, except the "core" of management.

The work is awful. Of course, under adversity, we, the "grunts", support each other, and all non management team is pretty good to work with. But the process is unbearable, set by a know-it-all, micro-managing, big mouthed CEO that has no experience in code what-so-ever (despite what he pretends). We're, to put it bluntly, working our asses off to pay the "company-related travel" of our boss (and his SO. Which are more like vacations). We silently comply to the mandatory overtime, while everyone agree it is unfair and doesn't get us anything, not even consideration.

Three months of this, and my trial period gets renewed. They do it "for everybody, there is nothing to be worried about".

The only other full-time developer leaves, and while I'm happy for him, I also have the selfish thought that I'm now temporarily un-firable.

Things gets gradually worse, and I raise a number of concerns/propositions to improve our workflow and general product quality. During this time, most of the team is renewed/replaced, mostly by interns. Some of them quit shortly after beginning for breach of their internship agreement (again, unpaid overtime, boss being unsufferable, not what they signed for, all at once).

While I'm still in my trial period, I begin to look for work again, as I think it's a bit too early in my carreer to go for a burn-out.

Other problems happens, and at the fifth and a half month of my six month period, I learn the news: I'm being terminated. The official reason is they're looking for people ready to go above and beyond (read - do more unpaid overtime for a killer salary). I did not find a new job yet. I now live in one of the most expensive city of the country (and the world). And I can't even say I quit of my own volition.

I clench my teeth, nod, and do the notice period to the best of my ability without raising a complaint.

That was a few months ago. I have a new, decent job in consulting that pays me fairly. I have settled, I'm no longer financially endangered. There is nothing my old boss can do to reach me in my current position.

I have a newsletter updating me about what offers are currently available in video-game. More than often, I see offers from my previous company, looking for the same job they took an intern to do a few months ago, and need to fill now that he is gone. I know from internal source that they pulled the same stunt for an undetermined-duration contract, same as me. The offers go on about the numerous benefits the company provides - which were of course, completely fake while I was working there, despite being advertised when I signed up.

The other dev that left posted a review on GlassDoor, explaining the problems and his personnal experience. Recently, the company posted a review too, saying how great they are, how good it was to work with them, etc, etc. They even copy-pasted the list of fake benefits (that are still non-existent in practice).

That tips it. I really want to prevent other from falling into the same trap as me, considering I got lucky and found a job quickly after being fired. Plus, I admit, if I can get back at them for what they did to me, it's a welcome bonus.

The thing is, videogames is an enclosed industry. Everyone knows everyone, and a bad reputation, even unjustified, can be a death sentence. I still hope to get back into it one day, but I fear that giving my opinion, even anonymously, could trigger retaliation. Considering the number of former employees and the methods used by the CEO (collective punishment) and his pettiness, it's more than probable he will badmouth anyone he thinks have or may have spoke against him.

I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?

Edit: Regarding the possible duplicate, my former employer can not retaliate directly. I'm more worried about the impact inside the videogame field, from a HR point of view. So it is not directly Glass-door related, though the link has been helpful.

1: I'm intentionally keeping numbers vague, as not to point too obviously at said company.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 11

    Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

    – The Wandering Dev Manager
    10 hours ago

  • 6

    "I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

    – Joe Strazzere
    10 hours ago

  • 10

    I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

    – Mister Positive
    10 hours ago

  • 7

    "I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

    – HorusKol
    8 hours ago

  • 8

    This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago






My former company is the example of start-ups malpractices. They're also vastly lying about themselves. They put me in a difficult situation in the past and I'd like to avoid other to fall into the same trap. I may use Glassdoor (or other means) to post an anonymous review, but my former employer will most likely link it back to me.

This company being part of a very tight industry, I'd like to know if them badmouthing me (small company, some recruiters doubtful about them) would be potentially dangerous for my career, while I have a flawless record with a big consulting company (but that is not part of that industry)?

At the question "If I do X, would it be dangerous to Y", there is three possible answers: Yes, No, Don't do X. So far I received "Don't do it", which is helpful (and I'll take it into account). I'd be interested in the opinion of someone (preferably HR) working in a small industry, based on experience, for a Yes/No answer.

Short summary of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

  • Lie to you during the interview.

  • High-turnover.

  • Micro-management, toxic behaviour.

  • Ask you to go "above and beyond" without any compensation whatsoever (acknowledgment included).

  • Unpaid overtime (mandatory)

One trickier I encountered are the classical cliches used by start-up: "young, dynamic, on the verge to break through. Challenging environnment. You must be able to put yourself into question". While this is not a 100% indicator, the few start-ups I saw used these arguments to justify a deeply unhealthy company culture.

Long read for the list of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

I graduated a few years ago in Computer Sciences, in order to work in my dream-field: videogames. (Totally unexpected and not cliche).

I spent a few months applying everywhere, due to a lack of experience and a high competition. After about six months of active search, I finally landed a job in a "dynamic and ambitious start-up, now on the verge of breaking through". Interviews went well, company being about 10 people, I directly met the CEO and he seemed like someone very reasonnable.

I moved from my hometown to the capital for this job, with what should have been a undetermined-duration contract, 3 months of trial period renewable once. I was really eager and enthusiast to find a job after all the time I had been looking.

First surprise: Once I get there, the CEO inform me that yes, I was right during the interview, the salary on my employment promise (before tax) was indeed what I had calculated and effectively lower than what they had advertised. (So I get around a hundred less than what I was promised). Plus, I have to withdraw from that the mandatory employer-part for public transportation. (Which isn't a benefit, but something they are required by law to provide). Also, my contract states a 35h/week schedule, but the mandatory hours make it a 37.5h/week. Not paid, not compensated overtime. The offer I accepted was already well below market, especially in that area. The videogame average rate is in addition, well below what I can get with my degree.

By then, I'm already cringing a little. But hey, I'm working what I struggled for for five years, so I can make do until I get experience. Plus, they're soon launching a new secret project, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it, since the size will allow me to have a real impact on the final product.

But the months weeks days go by, and my coworkers slowly inform me that between what I've been advertised and what really is, they're is quite a gap.

Second surprise: The boss directly lied to me. I specifically asked if they had turn-over, to which I was answered "Only a few cases since the company was created a few years ago".1 They, in fact, renewed completely the team over the course of the past six months or so, except the "core" of management.

The work is awful. Of course, under adversity, we, the "grunts", support each other, and all non management team is pretty good to work with. But the process is unbearable, set by a know-it-all, micro-managing, big mouthed CEO that has no experience in code what-so-ever (despite what he pretends). We're, to put it bluntly, working our asses off to pay the "company-related travel" of our boss (and his SO. Which are more like vacations). We silently comply to the mandatory overtime, while everyone agree it is unfair and doesn't get us anything, not even consideration.

Three months of this, and my trial period gets renewed. They do it "for everybody, there is nothing to be worried about".

The only other full-time developer leaves, and while I'm happy for him, I also have the selfish thought that I'm now temporarily un-firable.

Things gets gradually worse, and I raise a number of concerns/propositions to improve our workflow and general product quality. During this time, most of the team is renewed/replaced, mostly by interns. Some of them quit shortly after beginning for breach of their internship agreement (again, unpaid overtime, boss being unsufferable, not what they signed for, all at once).

While I'm still in my trial period, I begin to look for work again, as I think it's a bit too early in my carreer to go for a burn-out.

Other problems happens, and at the fifth and a half month of my six month period, I learn the news: I'm being terminated. The official reason is they're looking for people ready to go above and beyond (read - do more unpaid overtime for a killer salary). I did not find a new job yet. I now live in one of the most expensive city of the country (and the world). And I can't even say I quit of my own volition.

I clench my teeth, nod, and do the notice period to the best of my ability without raising a complaint.

That was a few months ago. I have a new, decent job in consulting that pays me fairly. I have settled, I'm no longer financially endangered. There is nothing my old boss can do to reach me in my current position.

I have a newsletter updating me about what offers are currently available in video-game. More than often, I see offers from my previous company, looking for the same job they took an intern to do a few months ago, and need to fill now that he is gone. I know from internal source that they pulled the same stunt for an undetermined-duration contract, same as me. The offers go on about the numerous benefits the company provides - which were of course, completely fake while I was working there, despite being advertised when I signed up.

The other dev that left posted a review on GlassDoor, explaining the problems and his personnal experience. Recently, the company posted a review too, saying how great they are, how good it was to work with them, etc, etc. They even copy-pasted the list of fake benefits (that are still non-existent in practice).

That tips it. I really want to prevent other from falling into the same trap as me, considering I got lucky and found a job quickly after being fired. Plus, I admit, if I can get back at them for what they did to me, it's a welcome bonus.

The thing is, videogames is an enclosed industry. Everyone knows everyone, and a bad reputation, even unjustified, can be a death sentence. I still hope to get back into it one day, but I fear that giving my opinion, even anonymously, could trigger retaliation. Considering the number of former employees and the methods used by the CEO (collective punishment) and his pettiness, it's more than probable he will badmouth anyone he thinks have or may have spoke against him.

I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?

Edit: Regarding the possible duplicate, my former employer can not retaliate directly. I'm more worried about the impact inside the videogame field, from a HR point of view. So it is not directly Glass-door related, though the link has been helpful.

1: I'm intentionally keeping numbers vague, as not to point too obviously at said company.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


My former company is the example of start-ups malpractices. They're also vastly lying about themselves. They put me in a difficult situation in the past and I'd like to avoid other to fall into the same trap. I may use Glassdoor (or other means) to post an anonymous review, but my former employer will most likely link it back to me.

This company being part of a very tight industry, I'd like to know if them badmouthing me (small company, some recruiters doubtful about them) would be potentially dangerous for my career, while I have a flawless record with a big consulting company (but that is not part of that industry)?

At the question "If I do X, would it be dangerous to Y", there is three possible answers: Yes, No, Don't do X. So far I received "Don't do it", which is helpful (and I'll take it into account). I'd be interested in the opinion of someone (preferably HR) working in a small industry, based on experience, for a Yes/No answer.

Short summary of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

  • Lie to you during the interview.

  • High-turnover.

  • Micro-management, toxic behaviour.

  • Ask you to go "above and beyond" without any compensation whatsoever (acknowledgment included).

  • Unpaid overtime (mandatory)

One trickier I encountered are the classical cliches used by start-up: "young, dynamic, on the verge to break through. Challenging environnment. You must be able to put yourself into question". While this is not a 100% indicator, the few start-ups I saw used these arguments to justify a deeply unhealthy company culture.

Long read for the list of red-flags for a company I met in my (short carreer)

I graduated a few years ago in Computer Sciences, in order to work in my dream-field: videogames. (Totally unexpected and not cliche).

I spent a few months applying everywhere, due to a lack of experience and a high competition. After about six months of active search, I finally landed a job in a "dynamic and ambitious start-up, now on the verge of breaking through". Interviews went well, company being about 10 people, I directly met the CEO and he seemed like someone very reasonnable.

I moved from my hometown to the capital for this job, with what should have been a undetermined-duration contract, 3 months of trial period renewable once. I was really eager and enthusiast to find a job after all the time I had been looking.

First surprise: Once I get there, the CEO inform me that yes, I was right during the interview, the salary on my employment promise (before tax) was indeed what I had calculated and effectively lower than what they had advertised. (So I get around a hundred less than what I was promised). Plus, I have to withdraw from that the mandatory employer-part for public transportation. (Which isn't a benefit, but something they are required by law to provide). Also, my contract states a 35h/week schedule, but the mandatory hours make it a 37.5h/week. Not paid, not compensated overtime. The offer I accepted was already well below market, especially in that area. The videogame average rate is in addition, well below what I can get with my degree.

By then, I'm already cringing a little. But hey, I'm working what I struggled for for five years, so I can make do until I get experience. Plus, they're soon launching a new secret project, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it, since the size will allow me to have a real impact on the final product.

But the months weeks days go by, and my coworkers slowly inform me that between what I've been advertised and what really is, they're is quite a gap.

Second surprise: The boss directly lied to me. I specifically asked if they had turn-over, to which I was answered "Only a few cases since the company was created a few years ago".1 They, in fact, renewed completely the team over the course of the past six months or so, except the "core" of management.

The work is awful. Of course, under adversity, we, the "grunts", support each other, and all non management team is pretty good to work with. But the process is unbearable, set by a know-it-all, micro-managing, big mouthed CEO that has no experience in code what-so-ever (despite what he pretends). We're, to put it bluntly, working our asses off to pay the "company-related travel" of our boss (and his SO. Which are more like vacations). We silently comply to the mandatory overtime, while everyone agree it is unfair and doesn't get us anything, not even consideration.

Three months of this, and my trial period gets renewed. They do it "for everybody, there is nothing to be worried about".

The only other full-time developer leaves, and while I'm happy for him, I also have the selfish thought that I'm now temporarily un-firable.

Things gets gradually worse, and I raise a number of concerns/propositions to improve our workflow and general product quality. During this time, most of the team is renewed/replaced, mostly by interns. Some of them quit shortly after beginning for breach of their internship agreement (again, unpaid overtime, boss being unsufferable, not what they signed for, all at once).

While I'm still in my trial period, I begin to look for work again, as I think it's a bit too early in my carreer to go for a burn-out.

Other problems happens, and at the fifth and a half month of my six month period, I learn the news: I'm being terminated. The official reason is they're looking for people ready to go above and beyond (read - do more unpaid overtime for a killer salary). I did not find a new job yet. I now live in one of the most expensive city of the country (and the world). And I can't even say I quit of my own volition.

I clench my teeth, nod, and do the notice period to the best of my ability without raising a complaint.

That was a few months ago. I have a new, decent job in consulting that pays me fairly. I have settled, I'm no longer financially endangered. There is nothing my old boss can do to reach me in my current position.

I have a newsletter updating me about what offers are currently available in video-game. More than often, I see offers from my previous company, looking for the same job they took an intern to do a few months ago, and need to fill now that he is gone. I know from internal source that they pulled the same stunt for an undetermined-duration contract, same as me. The offers go on about the numerous benefits the company provides - which were of course, completely fake while I was working there, despite being advertised when I signed up.

The other dev that left posted a review on GlassDoor, explaining the problems and his personnal experience. Recently, the company posted a review too, saying how great they are, how good it was to work with them, etc, etc. They even copy-pasted the list of fake benefits (that are still non-existent in practice).

That tips it. I really want to prevent other from falling into the same trap as me, considering I got lucky and found a job quickly after being fired. Plus, I admit, if I can get back at them for what they did to me, it's a welcome bonus.

The thing is, videogames is an enclosed industry. Everyone knows everyone, and a bad reputation, even unjustified, can be a death sentence. I still hope to get back into it one day, but I fear that giving my opinion, even anonymously, could trigger retaliation. Considering the number of former employees and the methods used by the CEO (collective punishment) and his pettiness, it's more than probable he will badmouth anyone he thinks have or may have spoke against him.

I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?

Edit: Regarding the possible duplicate, my former employer can not retaliate directly. I'm more worried about the impact inside the videogame field, from a HR point of view. So it is not directly Glass-door related, though the link has been helpful.

1: I'm intentionally keeping numbers vague, as not to point too obviously at said company.

professionalism career-development unprofessional-behavior

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edited 6 hours ago

Azor Ahai



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Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 11 hours ago




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Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Nyakouai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 11

    Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

    – The Wandering Dev Manager
    10 hours ago

  • 6

    "I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

    – Joe Strazzere
    10 hours ago

  • 10

    I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

    – Mister Positive
    10 hours ago

  • 7

    "I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

    – HorusKol
    8 hours ago

  • 8

    This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago

  • 11

    Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

    – The Wandering Dev Manager
    10 hours ago

  • 6

    "I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

    – Joe Strazzere
    10 hours ago

  • 10

    I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

    – Mister Positive
    10 hours ago

  • 7

    "I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

    – HorusKol
    8 hours ago

  • 8

    This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

    – corsiKa
    6 hours ago



Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

– The Wandering Dev Manager
10 hours ago

Possible duplicate of Should I add a Glassdoor review for a company so small they will know it is me?

– The Wandering Dev Manager
10 hours ago



"I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

– Joe Strazzere
10 hours ago

"I'm unsure if the opinion of an obscure, old employer, will weight unfavorably in an industry, even if I have model record in another big company (that is not part of said industry) ?" - if it makes you feel better, post something on GlassDoor. Just don't expect it will make any difference - it won't. Either way, put it behind you and move on.

– Joe Strazzere
10 hours ago



I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

– Mister Positive
10 hours ago

I might suggest you shorten this just to the highlights. This post is really long.

– Mister Positive
10 hours ago



"I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

– HorusKol
8 hours ago

"I'm worried a Glassdoor review will be linked back to me and will then affect my own reputation in a tight industry." But you're not worried that this question might do the same?

– HorusKol
8 hours ago



This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

– corsiKa
6 hours ago

This is a rant disguised as a question. It sucks what happened here, but 95% of this (I read the whole thing) is unnecessary to ask the question.

– corsiKa
6 hours ago

5 Answers





Don't think about them. That company is living rent free in your head right now. Just throw them out and move on.

I too have given free rent to a former company, and it was hard to forget them. But I mostly have now, and I am better for it.

That company will likely go belly up soon anyways if they can't keep any talent at all. And the problem with people being burned will be solved without risk to you.

share|improve this answer


    Caveat: I’m coming from a US mindset where jobs are largely at will and most employers are fairly tight-lipped about what they’ll say about a former employee, though small companies tend to not be as careful. Hiring companies vary in how likely they are to check references and unless they know someone at a former employer would rarely reach out to that company.

    From that perspective, it comes down to 1) your assessment of possible damage to self and 2) your own moral compass. I can imagine some slight ways you might actually help yourself but overall you’ll probably either be unaffected or have a modest risk of backlash.

    Consider if he’s well-connected in the industry or just good at fund-raising and has no real sway. Does the industry see him as serious competition or another wannabe. If it turns out he’s held in lesser regard by others than he is by himself, I would write something. It’s true your one experience won’t dry up the entire pool of possible victims, but you may save a few. At some point, he’ll run out of funding and fail. You might slightly help that along.

    If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique. A rant may feel better, but is taken less seriously. It is conceivable a prospective employer will dig in and find it. If they are just as unscrupulous, you may never know the bullet you dodged. Yes, a few reputable ones may still worry you’re a troublemaker. I suspect most, though, 1) won’t dig that far and 2) won’t really care so long as you’re factual and professional.

    Ultimately, you'll never have much idea of how much the action impacted you or him. I do know that as I look back on my career, some of my favorite moments are when I took a stand.

    share|improve this answer

    • 7

      On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

      – Myles
      9 hours ago


    Let it go. You had a bad experience and hopefully you learned from it. The reality is that you can try your best to inform as many people as possible about how terrible the former company was, but you will never reach everyone. They will find someone and abuse/exploit them the same way that they did to you.

    Your only possible recourse is if they are conducting illegal activities and you have evidence to support it. You can speak with the proper authorities if this is the case, and let them handle it from there. You stand to gain nothing by simply posting your opinions of this company.

    share|improve this answer


      The kind of experience you had is not uncommon in startups. Startups are a unique environment where sometimes people feel that anything goes, and the ends justify the means. Nothing you do is going to change that. Although it might make you feel better, it's not likely that many will ever see your review, and even those who do may ignore it or discount it. Look at the reviews for Amazon on Glassdoor. Almost every single one says the same thing: work-life balance is terrible. (Even Jeff Bezos admits that.) But plenty of people keep going to work for Amazon and other places like it.

      I once got fired from a startup by a guy I never even met. He was hired as my manager and decided to clean house and hire his friends instead. So he called me up and fired me. I was shocked and surprised and really angry for a while. I took great pleasure when I heard he had himself been fired a few months later, along with the horrible CTO. But when the company inevitably went out of business 18 months later, I didn't even care. I was far enough removed by then that the anger was gone, but even more important, I had found a job that I liked, where I was appreciated, and I was excelling in my work. I just don't give a damn anymore about my previous company.

      Chalk it up to experience and say a silent thank you to whomever fired you for pushing you out of a bad situation. Life is too short to dwell on it. As others have said, let it go. Your best revenge is to prove them wrong, so spend more time working on that instead of thinking about some form of revenge.

      share|improve this answer


        Let it lie. You've been there, seen how it is, and moved on. Leave it at that. Take the moral high ground. It's not your job to be a whistleblower unless they're doing something illegal (in which case, talk to your lawyer first).

        share|improve this answer

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          5 Answers




          5 Answers











          Don't think about them. That company is living rent free in your head right now. Just throw them out and move on.

          I too have given free rent to a former company, and it was hard to forget them. But I mostly have now, and I am better for it.

          That company will likely go belly up soon anyways if they can't keep any talent at all. And the problem with people being burned will be solved without risk to you.

          share|improve this answer


            Don't think about them. That company is living rent free in your head right now. Just throw them out and move on.

            I too have given free rent to a former company, and it was hard to forget them. But I mostly have now, and I am better for it.

            That company will likely go belly up soon anyways if they can't keep any talent at all. And the problem with people being burned will be solved without risk to you.

            share|improve this answer




              Don't think about them. That company is living rent free in your head right now. Just throw them out and move on.

              I too have given free rent to a former company, and it was hard to forget them. But I mostly have now, and I am better for it.

              That company will likely go belly up soon anyways if they can't keep any talent at all. And the problem with people being burned will be solved without risk to you.

              share|improve this answer

              Don't think about them. That company is living rent free in your head right now. Just throw them out and move on.

              I too have given free rent to a former company, and it was hard to forget them. But I mostly have now, and I am better for it.

              That company will likely go belly up soon anyways if they can't keep any talent at all. And the problem with people being burned will be solved without risk to you.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered 10 hours ago

              Trevor DTrevor D




                  Caveat: I’m coming from a US mindset where jobs are largely at will and most employers are fairly tight-lipped about what they’ll say about a former employee, though small companies tend to not be as careful. Hiring companies vary in how likely they are to check references and unless they know someone at a former employer would rarely reach out to that company.

                  From that perspective, it comes down to 1) your assessment of possible damage to self and 2) your own moral compass. I can imagine some slight ways you might actually help yourself but overall you’ll probably either be unaffected or have a modest risk of backlash.

                  Consider if he’s well-connected in the industry or just good at fund-raising and has no real sway. Does the industry see him as serious competition or another wannabe. If it turns out he’s held in lesser regard by others than he is by himself, I would write something. It’s true your one experience won’t dry up the entire pool of possible victims, but you may save a few. At some point, he’ll run out of funding and fail. You might slightly help that along.

                  If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique. A rant may feel better, but is taken less seriously. It is conceivable a prospective employer will dig in and find it. If they are just as unscrupulous, you may never know the bullet you dodged. Yes, a few reputable ones may still worry you’re a troublemaker. I suspect most, though, 1) won’t dig that far and 2) won’t really care so long as you’re factual and professional.

                  Ultimately, you'll never have much idea of how much the action impacted you or him. I do know that as I look back on my career, some of my favorite moments are when I took a stand.

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 7

                    On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                    – Myles
                    9 hours ago


                  Caveat: I’m coming from a US mindset where jobs are largely at will and most employers are fairly tight-lipped about what they’ll say about a former employee, though small companies tend to not be as careful. Hiring companies vary in how likely they are to check references and unless they know someone at a former employer would rarely reach out to that company.

                  From that perspective, it comes down to 1) your assessment of possible damage to self and 2) your own moral compass. I can imagine some slight ways you might actually help yourself but overall you’ll probably either be unaffected or have a modest risk of backlash.

                  Consider if he’s well-connected in the industry or just good at fund-raising and has no real sway. Does the industry see him as serious competition or another wannabe. If it turns out he’s held in lesser regard by others than he is by himself, I would write something. It’s true your one experience won’t dry up the entire pool of possible victims, but you may save a few. At some point, he’ll run out of funding and fail. You might slightly help that along.

                  If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique. A rant may feel better, but is taken less seriously. It is conceivable a prospective employer will dig in and find it. If they are just as unscrupulous, you may never know the bullet you dodged. Yes, a few reputable ones may still worry you’re a troublemaker. I suspect most, though, 1) won’t dig that far and 2) won’t really care so long as you’re factual and professional.

                  Ultimately, you'll never have much idea of how much the action impacted you or him. I do know that as I look back on my career, some of my favorite moments are when I took a stand.

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 7

                    On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                    – Myles
                    9 hours ago




                  Caveat: I’m coming from a US mindset where jobs are largely at will and most employers are fairly tight-lipped about what they’ll say about a former employee, though small companies tend to not be as careful. Hiring companies vary in how likely they are to check references and unless they know someone at a former employer would rarely reach out to that company.

                  From that perspective, it comes down to 1) your assessment of possible damage to self and 2) your own moral compass. I can imagine some slight ways you might actually help yourself but overall you’ll probably either be unaffected or have a modest risk of backlash.

                  Consider if he’s well-connected in the industry or just good at fund-raising and has no real sway. Does the industry see him as serious competition or another wannabe. If it turns out he’s held in lesser regard by others than he is by himself, I would write something. It’s true your one experience won’t dry up the entire pool of possible victims, but you may save a few. At some point, he’ll run out of funding and fail. You might slightly help that along.

                  If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique. A rant may feel better, but is taken less seriously. It is conceivable a prospective employer will dig in and find it. If they are just as unscrupulous, you may never know the bullet you dodged. Yes, a few reputable ones may still worry you’re a troublemaker. I suspect most, though, 1) won’t dig that far and 2) won’t really care so long as you’re factual and professional.

                  Ultimately, you'll never have much idea of how much the action impacted you or him. I do know that as I look back on my career, some of my favorite moments are when I took a stand.

                  share|improve this answer

                  Caveat: I’m coming from a US mindset where jobs are largely at will and most employers are fairly tight-lipped about what they’ll say about a former employee, though small companies tend to not be as careful. Hiring companies vary in how likely they are to check references and unless they know someone at a former employer would rarely reach out to that company.

                  From that perspective, it comes down to 1) your assessment of possible damage to self and 2) your own moral compass. I can imagine some slight ways you might actually help yourself but overall you’ll probably either be unaffected or have a modest risk of backlash.

                  Consider if he’s well-connected in the industry or just good at fund-raising and has no real sway. Does the industry see him as serious competition or another wannabe. If it turns out he’s held in lesser regard by others than he is by himself, I would write something. It’s true your one experience won’t dry up the entire pool of possible victims, but you may save a few. At some point, he’ll run out of funding and fail. You might slightly help that along.

                  If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique. A rant may feel better, but is taken less seriously. It is conceivable a prospective employer will dig in and find it. If they are just as unscrupulous, you may never know the bullet you dodged. Yes, a few reputable ones may still worry you’re a troublemaker. I suspect most, though, 1) won’t dig that far and 2) won’t really care so long as you’re factual and professional.

                  Ultimately, you'll never have much idea of how much the action impacted you or him. I do know that as I look back on my career, some of my favorite moments are when I took a stand.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 10 hours ago

                  John SpiegelJohn Spiegel



                  • 7

                    On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                    – Myles
                    9 hours ago

                  • 7

                    On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                    – Myles
                    9 hours ago



                  On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                  – Myles
                  9 hours ago

                  On top of "If you do write it, be straightforward and professional in your critique" include any positive points about the work environment. This helps avoid the Glassdoor sanitizing companies that accuse you of being a troll and have your review removed.

                  – Myles
                  9 hours ago


                  Let it go. You had a bad experience and hopefully you learned from it. The reality is that you can try your best to inform as many people as possible about how terrible the former company was, but you will never reach everyone. They will find someone and abuse/exploit them the same way that they did to you.

                  Your only possible recourse is if they are conducting illegal activities and you have evidence to support it. You can speak with the proper authorities if this is the case, and let them handle it from there. You stand to gain nothing by simply posting your opinions of this company.

                  share|improve this answer


                    Let it go. You had a bad experience and hopefully you learned from it. The reality is that you can try your best to inform as many people as possible about how terrible the former company was, but you will never reach everyone. They will find someone and abuse/exploit them the same way that they did to you.

                    Your only possible recourse is if they are conducting illegal activities and you have evidence to support it. You can speak with the proper authorities if this is the case, and let them handle it from there. You stand to gain nothing by simply posting your opinions of this company.

                    share|improve this answer




                      Let it go. You had a bad experience and hopefully you learned from it. The reality is that you can try your best to inform as many people as possible about how terrible the former company was, but you will never reach everyone. They will find someone and abuse/exploit them the same way that they did to you.

                      Your only possible recourse is if they are conducting illegal activities and you have evidence to support it. You can speak with the proper authorities if this is the case, and let them handle it from there. You stand to gain nothing by simply posting your opinions of this company.

                      share|improve this answer

                      Let it go. You had a bad experience and hopefully you learned from it. The reality is that you can try your best to inform as many people as possible about how terrible the former company was, but you will never reach everyone. They will find someone and abuse/exploit them the same way that they did to you.

                      Your only possible recourse is if they are conducting illegal activities and you have evidence to support it. You can speak with the proper authorities if this is the case, and let them handle it from there. You stand to gain nothing by simply posting your opinions of this company.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered 11 hours ago





                          The kind of experience you had is not uncommon in startups. Startups are a unique environment where sometimes people feel that anything goes, and the ends justify the means. Nothing you do is going to change that. Although it might make you feel better, it's not likely that many will ever see your review, and even those who do may ignore it or discount it. Look at the reviews for Amazon on Glassdoor. Almost every single one says the same thing: work-life balance is terrible. (Even Jeff Bezos admits that.) But plenty of people keep going to work for Amazon and other places like it.

                          I once got fired from a startup by a guy I never even met. He was hired as my manager and decided to clean house and hire his friends instead. So he called me up and fired me. I was shocked and surprised and really angry for a while. I took great pleasure when I heard he had himself been fired a few months later, along with the horrible CTO. But when the company inevitably went out of business 18 months later, I didn't even care. I was far enough removed by then that the anger was gone, but even more important, I had found a job that I liked, where I was appreciated, and I was excelling in my work. I just don't give a damn anymore about my previous company.

                          Chalk it up to experience and say a silent thank you to whomever fired you for pushing you out of a bad situation. Life is too short to dwell on it. As others have said, let it go. Your best revenge is to prove them wrong, so spend more time working on that instead of thinking about some form of revenge.

                          share|improve this answer


                            The kind of experience you had is not uncommon in startups. Startups are a unique environment where sometimes people feel that anything goes, and the ends justify the means. Nothing you do is going to change that. Although it might make you feel better, it's not likely that many will ever see your review, and even those who do may ignore it or discount it. Look at the reviews for Amazon on Glassdoor. Almost every single one says the same thing: work-life balance is terrible. (Even Jeff Bezos admits that.) But plenty of people keep going to work for Amazon and other places like it.

                            I once got fired from a startup by a guy I never even met. He was hired as my manager and decided to clean house and hire his friends instead. So he called me up and fired me. I was shocked and surprised and really angry for a while. I took great pleasure when I heard he had himself been fired a few months later, along with the horrible CTO. But when the company inevitably went out of business 18 months later, I didn't even care. I was far enough removed by then that the anger was gone, but even more important, I had found a job that I liked, where I was appreciated, and I was excelling in my work. I just don't give a damn anymore about my previous company.

                            Chalk it up to experience and say a silent thank you to whomever fired you for pushing you out of a bad situation. Life is too short to dwell on it. As others have said, let it go. Your best revenge is to prove them wrong, so spend more time working on that instead of thinking about some form of revenge.

                            share|improve this answer




                              The kind of experience you had is not uncommon in startups. Startups are a unique environment where sometimes people feel that anything goes, and the ends justify the means. Nothing you do is going to change that. Although it might make you feel better, it's not likely that many will ever see your review, and even those who do may ignore it or discount it. Look at the reviews for Amazon on Glassdoor. Almost every single one says the same thing: work-life balance is terrible. (Even Jeff Bezos admits that.) But plenty of people keep going to work for Amazon and other places like it.

                              I once got fired from a startup by a guy I never even met. He was hired as my manager and decided to clean house and hire his friends instead. So he called me up and fired me. I was shocked and surprised and really angry for a while. I took great pleasure when I heard he had himself been fired a few months later, along with the horrible CTO. But when the company inevitably went out of business 18 months later, I didn't even care. I was far enough removed by then that the anger was gone, but even more important, I had found a job that I liked, where I was appreciated, and I was excelling in my work. I just don't give a damn anymore about my previous company.

                              Chalk it up to experience and say a silent thank you to whomever fired you for pushing you out of a bad situation. Life is too short to dwell on it. As others have said, let it go. Your best revenge is to prove them wrong, so spend more time working on that instead of thinking about some form of revenge.

                              share|improve this answer

                              The kind of experience you had is not uncommon in startups. Startups are a unique environment where sometimes people feel that anything goes, and the ends justify the means. Nothing you do is going to change that. Although it might make you feel better, it's not likely that many will ever see your review, and even those who do may ignore it or discount it. Look at the reviews for Amazon on Glassdoor. Almost every single one says the same thing: work-life balance is terrible. (Even Jeff Bezos admits that.) But plenty of people keep going to work for Amazon and other places like it.

                              I once got fired from a startup by a guy I never even met. He was hired as my manager and decided to clean house and hire his friends instead. So he called me up and fired me. I was shocked and surprised and really angry for a while. I took great pleasure when I heard he had himself been fired a few months later, along with the horrible CTO. But when the company inevitably went out of business 18 months later, I didn't even care. I was far enough removed by then that the anger was gone, but even more important, I had found a job that I liked, where I was appreciated, and I was excelling in my work. I just don't give a damn anymore about my previous company.

                              Chalk it up to experience and say a silent thank you to whomever fired you for pushing you out of a bad situation. Life is too short to dwell on it. As others have said, let it go. Your best revenge is to prove them wrong, so spend more time working on that instead of thinking about some form of revenge.

                              share|improve this answer

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                              share|improve this answer

                              answered 6 hours ago





                                  Let it lie. You've been there, seen how it is, and moved on. Leave it at that. Take the moral high ground. It's not your job to be a whistleblower unless they're doing something illegal (in which case, talk to your lawyer first).

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    Let it lie. You've been there, seen how it is, and moved on. Leave it at that. Take the moral high ground. It's not your job to be a whistleblower unless they're doing something illegal (in which case, talk to your lawyer first).

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      Let it lie. You've been there, seen how it is, and moved on. Leave it at that. Take the moral high ground. It's not your job to be a whistleblower unless they're doing something illegal (in which case, talk to your lawyer first).

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      Let it lie. You've been there, seen how it is, and moved on. Leave it at that. Take the moral high ground. It's not your job to be a whistleblower unless they're doing something illegal (in which case, talk to your lawyer first).

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      answered 9 hours ago




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