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Українська: Скіфія
.mw-parser-output #wdinfoboxwidth:210px;font-size:95%;table-layout:fixed; #wdinfoboxcaptionmargin-left:0px; #wdinfobox thvertical-align:top; #wdinfobox .taxontree-lcell,.mw-parser-output .wikidatainfobox-lcelltext-align:right;background-color:#cfe3ff;padding-left:0.4em;padding-right:0.4em; .taxontree-hdrcelltext-align:center;background-color:#cfe3ff;padding-left:0.4em;padding-right:0.4em; .taxontree-row@media screen and (max-width:600px).mw-parser-output .wdinfo_nomobiledisplay:none;visibility:hidden; .wdinfobox_horizontalwidth:100%!important;clear:both!important;display:block; .wdcreator_showdisplay:block! #wdinfo_taxon ullist-style:none;padding-left:0;margin-left:0; .wikidatainfoboxVN ul lilist-style:none;padding:0; .wikidatainfoboxVNpadding:0; .mw-parser-output table.infobox captiontext-align:center
multinational region of Central Eurasia in the classical era | |||
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Instance of | historical country | ||
Location | Ukraine | ||
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Escitia (es); እስኩቴስ (am); Eszitia (eu); Escitia (ast); Scythia (ms); Скифия (ba); Scythia (cy); Скіфія (be); سکائستان (fa); 斯基提亞 (zh); Sciția (ro); Skytien (sv); Скіфія (uk); Scythia (la); 스키타이 (ko); Scitia (lfn); Scizia (it); Scythie (fr); Scytia (pl); Skitio (eo); Skyytia (fi); Scythia (en); Regió d'Escítia (ca); Scizzia (scn); Cítia (pt); Sciððia (ang); Skitija (lv); Скифыстон (os); Скитија (sr); Скифия (ru); Скифия (tt); Skitija (sh); Skytia (nn); Skithia (id); Scythia (nan); Skytia (nb); Scythië (nl); Scitia (an); Скития (bg); Scythia (vi); Սկիֆիա (hy); Escitia (gl); سكيثيا (ar); Σκυθία (el); Σκυθική (grc) multinational region of Central Eurasia in the classical era (en); région eurasienne de l'Antiquité (fr); historischer Staat (de); historisch land (nl) Scythia (es); Escitia (an); Skythia, Scythia (id); Skytisk, Skyterane (nn); Скитія, Скитська держава, Скіфське царство (uk); 소그드, 스퀴타이, 스키티아 (ko); Великая Скифия (ru); سيثيا, Scythia (ar); Скифистон, Скифи (os); Cítia menor, Cítios (pt); Skītija (lv); سکاییه, سکاستان, سکائیه (fa); Regio d'Escítia, Regió d’Escítia (ca); Skythia, Skytherne, Skytere, Scythia, Skythere, Skyter, Skyterne (nb)
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
► Skythien und die Skythen des Herodot (1841) by LINDNER (5 F)
► Art of Scythia (16 C, 87 F)
► Coins of Scythia (4 C, 1 F)
► Crypt "Scythian Grave" (6 F)
► European Scythian campaign of Darius I (7 F)
► Issyk inscription (1 F)
► Maps of Scythia (2 C, 24 F)
► Scythians (21 C, 1 P, 72 F)
► Sindi people (3 F)
Media in category "Scythia"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
1 19 Скифская лошадь.jpg
495 × 469; 72 KB
378 × 190; 14 KB
Bunbury Vol 1 Map 04 Scythia Herodotus p 206.jpg
2,813 × 2,630; 457 KB
1,920 × 1,440; 630 KB
Grave from Farm of Lenin's Name.JPG
1,536 × 2,048; 845 KB
2,562 × 976; 206 KB
Neolithic Carpathian Basin - Sarmatia-Magna-Hungaria.PNG
805 × 122; 14 KB
Thesouro de Nobreza. Scithea.png
388 × 524; 407 KB
- Ukraine in the 3rd century BC
- Ukraine in the 2nd century BC
- Former countries in Russia
- Former countries in Ukraine
- Historical regions of Central Asia
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