Video Lecture Series Online Store

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Thursday: 9:00-20:00 *
Fridays and Holiday eves: 09:00-14:00.

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

* The Holocaust History Museum, Museum of Holocaust Art, Exhibitions Pavilion and Synagogue are open until 20:00. All other sites close at 17:00.

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Video Lecture Series

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Eichmann and his Bureaucrats: What Was Their Job and What Made Them Good At It?

Eichmann and his Bureaucrats: What Was Their Job and What Made Them Good At It?

The Influence of the Eichmann Trial on the Israeli Public's Attitude Towards Holocaust Survivors

The Influence of the Eichmann Trial on the Israeli Public's Attitude Towards Holocaust Survivors

Dr. Christoph Dieckmann: The Holocaust in Lithuania

Dr. Christoph Dieckmann: The Holocaust in Lithuania

The Auschwitz Bombing Controversy in Context: Dr. David Silberklang

The Auschwitz Bombing Controversy in Context: Dr. David Silberklang

Professor Dan Michman: Where Did the Nazis Take the Term

Professor Dan Michman: Where Did the Nazis Take the Term "Ghetto" From and Why?

The Nature of Modern Antisemitism - Professor David Bankier

The Nature of Modern Antisemitism - Professor David Bankier

Dr. Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Kunzel: Dutchmen in Eastern Europe and the Dream of a Greater Germanic Empire

Dr. Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Kunzel: Dutchmen in Eastern Europe and the Dream of a Greater Germanic Empire

Dr. Yaacov Lozowick: How Were Nazi Criminals Brought to Trial, and Were They Merely Following Orders?

Dr. Yaacov Lozowick: How Were Nazi Criminals Brought to Trial, and Were They Merely Following Orders?

Dr. Nikos Tzafleris: The Catastrophe of Salonikan Jewry and the Looting of their Property

Dr. Nikos Tzafleris: The Catastrophe of Salonikan Jewry and the Looting of their Property

Confronting Holocaust Denial: A Strategy

Confronting Holocaust Denial: A Strategy

Dr. Ulrich Frisse: The German Judiciary in Eastern Galicia and its Contribution to the Holocaust

Dr. Ulrich Frisse: The German Judiciary in Eastern Galicia and its Contribution to the Holocaust

The Uniqueness of Nazi Antisemitism - Professor David Bankier

The Uniqueness of Nazi Antisemitism - Professor David Bankier

Professor Havi Dreifuss: The Development of the Final Solution

Professor Havi Dreifuss: The Development of the Final Solution

Icons of the Holocaust

Icons of the Holocaust

Irena Steinfeldt: The Righteous Among the Nations - A Unique Program at Yad Vashem

Irena Steinfeldt: The Righteous Among the Nations - A Unique Program at Yad Vashem

Dr. Iael Nidam-Orvieto: Fascist Italy and the Jews: Myth versus Reality (part 1)

Dr. Iael Nidam-Orvieto: Fascist Italy and the Jews: Myth versus Reality (part 1)

Professor Bob Moore: Jewish Survival in Western Europe: Self Help and Gentile Rescuers in a Comparative Context

Professor Bob Moore: Jewish Survival in Western Europe: Self Help and Gentile Rescuers in a Comparative Context

The Holocaust and the Establishment of the State of Israel: Dr. Robert Rozett

The Holocaust and the Establishment of the State of Israel: Dr. Robert Rozett

Ross Halpin: The Jewish Doctors in Auschwitz

Ross Halpin: The Jewish Doctors in Auschwitz

Dr. Yaacov Lozowick: Hannah Arendt, Adolf Eichmann, and how Evil Isn't Banal

Dr. Yaacov Lozowick: Hannah Arendt, Adolf Eichmann, and how Evil Isn't Banal

On the Margins of the Holocaust

On the Margins of the Holocaust

Dr. David Silberklang: Hanging by a Thread- Reflections on Being a Jew During the Holocaust

Dr. David Silberklang: Hanging by a Thread- Reflections on Being a Jew During the Holocaust

Professor Yehuda Bauer: Why Did World War II Break Out? (part 1)

Professor Yehuda Bauer: Why Did World War II Break Out? (part 1)